Bhp Billiton Machinery
مجال التطبيق
خط إنتاج معالجة البوكسيت 200TPH في غينيا
تم الإشادة بنظام التحكم الذكي Liming Heavy Industry. تمكننا من مراقبة خط الإنتاج المحلي في الوقت الفعلي ومعرفة معلومات الموقع في الوقت المناسب ، مما يوفر راحة كبيرة لإدارتنا.
المعدات: كسارة فكية PE750x1060 ، كسارة مخروطية هيدروليكية HPT300
المواد: البوكسيت
السعة: 200 طن / ساعة
حجم المدخلات: 600 مم
حجم الإخراج: 0-20mm.
التطبيق: إنتاج سبائك الألومنيوم ، التصنيع الحراري
必和必拓. 必和必拓中国. 1891年,必和必拓首次向中国出口52吨铅,从澳大利亚新南威尔士州运抵中国福州港,历经百年风雨,必和必拓与中国业务伙伴从大宗商品贸易、资源开发合作、矿用
BHP Billiton: Productivity enhanced by machine learning in the
2018年11月13日 Most of the machine learning applications that BHP Billiton is working on for the short and medium term are concentrated in the extraction, processing and transportation
BHP Billiton : says China's machinery sector will offset construction ...
2017年9月27日 QINGDAO, China (Reuters) - China's rising middle class and a growing machinery sector will counter any weakness in steel demand in construction over the next
关于我们 - 必和必拓
关于我们. 必和必拓是全球知名的综合性资源公司,全球总部位于澳大利亚的墨尔本, 并通过新加坡的营销中心在全球范围内销售我们的产品。. 我们的愿景是融汇英才资源,共创美好未来。. 必
BHP Billiton
Industrial machinery and factory equipment, such as machine tools, lathes, presses and assembly line equipment. Also includes construction machinery, pollution control equipment, castings, pressings, welded shapes, structural
Interview with BHP Billiton: How the Mining Giant Employs Tech ...
2020年5月17日 BHP has been applying its automated drill rigs, which are operated within BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance in Western Australia. The use of automated drilling is safer and
Creating the future of mining – integration and automation BHP
The emergence of advanced automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence, to name a few, present challenges and opportunities that heighten competition for talent and investment.
Our products help build a better, clearer future BHP
Making a positive difference. We are committed to finding new ways of operating more sustainably while supplying products that are essential for the global transition towards a more sustainable future.
BHP Billiton CEO: Automation Could Save the Mining Sector
2020年5月17日 When it comes to efficiency, machinery has a significant role to play; by minimizing downtime, deploying a higher level of automation, tracking operations, using
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